Thursday, July 31, 2008

Train Show Pics Continued

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The Train Show

These photos are from the train show that Jericho and Daddy went to along with Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Uncle Paul, Mitchell and Michael. They are also from Jericho's camera.

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Jericho's Pictures

Here are some random shots from Jericho's camera...

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Two Week Checkup

At Mercy's 2 week checkup she was 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 in long. Her weight was down to 6 lbs 10 oz when she left the hospital meaning that she gained over a pound in two weeks. I guess that should be no surprise since she eats constantly!
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Baby Photos

Proud big sister.

Jericho always wants to hold the baby, but only for less than a minute.

Ransom thinks the baby is so funny. The more she cries the louder he laughs!

Right after this photo, Ransom welcomed his sister into the world by hitting her right in the face. Notice the hand, poised to strike.
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Mercy Ellen Peters

Mercy Ellen Peters arrived July 12 at 7:55 pm. More photos to follow.

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Birth Story

Well, as stated in a past post, I was induced before my due date. Thankfully, the experience was better than the last induction, although, definitely not as quick as real labor. When I went in to the hospital, I was already at 4 cm, and was having contractions about 5 min apart. Unfortunately, this was not enough to just have my water broken, so Pitocin it was. Thankfully, they started me off gradually, and I did not suffer through excruciating contractions until the end. This time around I ended up not opting for pain reliever of any type, although I was begging for it when it was too late. That was the hardest part. I was ready to push but apparently the rest of me wasn't. Just when I thought I was going to go insane and was begging for an epidural (or Tylenol at the very least) the baby started coming. The nurse checks me then goes running out of the room yelling, "Help, Baby!" Justin is once again jamming on the nurse's call button. The midwife made it just after the head was out.
I have to hand it to Kaiser, they respond fast. I also appreciated the fact that I had one nurse assigned to me the whole day. We were only left alone briefly, for short periods of time. I was also thankful that I was able to go home the next day. All in all, I would have to say that my experience with Kaiser was probably the best out of all the births.
Oh yeah, while I didn't appreciate it at the time, I am thankful that I did not have the epidural. The recovery time is so much quicker.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Rethinking the Possibilities

The more I think about it, the more I realize that being induced is not so bad. Of course there is the convenience of it. It is much easier to plan out child care for 3 kids this way. Also, Justin is able to notify work about taking the time off, before next weeks schedule is written. I won't even have to deal with any signs of false labor.
Even better than convenience though is the less possibility of having an emergency c-section. I understand now, that if my blood pressure continued to be high and it started to affect the baby, I probably would not be given the option of an induction. So for that, I am thankful.
The best thing about the induction, of course, is the fact that I will get to see and hold my new little one even sooner.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pregnancy Similarities

I got a call this morning from my doctor's office, informing that I am going to be induced on Saturday. Needless to say I cried.
This pregnancy has been so similar to my pregnancy with Hero, but so totally different than the two boys. I carry the same as I did with Hero, I crave the same things as I did with her, and I have the same problems. That's the crazy thing. It is not as common to get hypertension with the fourth child as with the first, but that is what has happened. I even remember the doctor saying with Hero that it was hard to tell if I was hypertensive, because my blood pressure always went down as soon as I laid down. This is exactly what happens now. I lay on my back and my b.p. is way up. I flip to my side and it goes right down. So why did I think that the end would be any different? When I was told of induction with Hero, I was elated. I was so excited for the pregnancy to be over. This time it is different. Of course I am thrilled for the pregnancy to be over, but now I know better about inductions. I know that the difference in the pain is incomparable to that of labor that starts naturally. If I am fortunate enough, maybe I could go into labor before then. We'll see. At the very least, I can proudly say that I never missed my due date with any of my four kids.

When Temptation Strikes

The thing about temptation is that it usually comes unexpectedly. Yes, there are times when you place yourself right in the path of a tempting situation (such as going to the grocery store right before you eat lunch, then giving in to the urge to buy the ready made food that is not on your list.) But those times are easier to guard against. I think that it is easier to give in to temptation when you are caught unaware.
For example, today I ran into Target to buy some diapers and other household items. I successfully managed to buy only the items that I had gone in for. When the cashier gave me the total, I was pleasantly surprised at the low price. As I walked toward the exit, I glanced at my receipt to see which items had been on sale. To my surprise, only two of the items were listed along with a coupon that I had used, yet all of my items were bagged up and in my cart. This is where temptation struck. You would think that being the godly woman that I am, my first thought would be to rectify this situation immediately. However, instead of turning my cart back to an open register and paying for the un-rung items, I actually considered this my good fortune, and continued heading for the exit. Thankfully, by God's great mercy, the guilt of my sinful thoughts overtook me. Instead of the exit, I went to the courtesy desk; I even considered the long wait my penance.
I write this as a reminder, that we have not yet attained perfection. My daily struggles with sin remind me of the following passage:
Not that I have already obtained it,or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Sticky Fingers

Lately we have been having issues with Hero and lying. She is quite adept at it really. She can change her story at the drop of a hat. She'll even add in details to make it seem like she is telling the truth. Yes, she inherited her mother's sin nature, that's for sure.
While lying has been an ongoing problem, stealing has not. She used to take the occasional toy from a friends house or Grandma's, but we thought this issue had long been resolved. Apparently not. Yesterday, while at the store with Grandma she managed to snatch a little beanie baby. Then came the intricate web of lies. When I came to pick her up, I realized the toy was new. She said she had brought it from home. When pressed further, she said she had received it as a prize from church. When asked again, she said she had found it under her uncle's bed. When we asked her uncle, the truth finally came out.
We set off for the store, lecturing her about lying, stealing, and sin the whole way. She kept crying and asking about how long she was going to be in prison. (We never told her she was going to prison, but she new this is what happened to people who stole from Daddy's store.)
She walks in with Daddy and talks to the manager on duty. I don't know if it was due to Hero's uncontrollable crying or lack of experience with children or both, but he replied to Hero confession with, "That's okay."
Needless to say, we made very clear that it was not okay. Hero also spent the rest of the evening filling a box with toys to give away.
Ah the joys of parenthood. I suppose this is payback for what we put our parents through.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Lipstick Stain

Here is a photo of the stain that made me sorry I had wished for another girl. Hero had taken some lipstick, used it on her doll, then wiped it on the new carpet. Do not be fooled by the picture, the real stain was at least six inches long. It took me all morning to get it out. (Hint: Acetone based nail polish remover and Resolve.)
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