Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Ramblings

Well, I have gained my first pound for this pregancy. I am sure it has something to do with the two donuts I had at church yesterday. Other than that my ten minute doctor visit went great (if you don't count the hour and a half wait in the office.)
The highlight of my day was being able to spend time with my Grandmother. She took the kids and me out to McDonald's for lunch. We were able to talk while the kids played.
In garden news my basil has sprouted. While this is a miracle in itself, just pray that I don't kill it.


Krista said...

Hey, I don't think you're allowed to complain if you're just now starting to gain a little weight! lol You made it quite a while! Good luck on the gardening - mine's struggling a little because I forgot the slight detail of watering. Whoops. :) But, usually Oregon weather takes care of that for me!

bethany said...

WEll, I am in the same boat as you. I had a Doctors appointment on Monday and in 4 1/2 months only 3 pounds. Not to bad and I will take it. And you are doing 100% better then me if anything grows, because I can kill anything. Glad to hear that everything is going well. Have fun!!!