Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birth Story

Well, as stated in a past post, I was induced before my due date. Thankfully, the experience was better than the last induction, although, definitely not as quick as real labor. When I went in to the hospital, I was already at 4 cm, and was having contractions about 5 min apart. Unfortunately, this was not enough to just have my water broken, so Pitocin it was. Thankfully, they started me off gradually, and I did not suffer through excruciating contractions until the end. This time around I ended up not opting for pain reliever of any type, although I was begging for it when it was too late. That was the hardest part. I was ready to push but apparently the rest of me wasn't. Just when I thought I was going to go insane and was begging for an epidural (or Tylenol at the very least) the baby started coming. The nurse checks me then goes running out of the room yelling, "Help, Baby!" Justin is once again jamming on the nurse's call button. The midwife made it just after the head was out.
I have to hand it to Kaiser, they respond fast. I also appreciated the fact that I had one nurse assigned to me the whole day. We were only left alone briefly, for short periods of time. I was also thankful that I was able to go home the next day. All in all, I would have to say that my experience with Kaiser was probably the best out of all the births.
Oh yeah, while I didn't appreciate it at the time, I am thankful that I did not have the epidural. The recovery time is so much quicker.


Anonymous said...

So glad things went well for you and that Mercy is healthy and you are recovering. You know the church nursery is themed with Faith, Grace and Mercy. The Capranica girls just didn't get the memo:)

Anonymous said...

(Funny, Karyn)

I'll say again, she's beautiful! I wanna see her!

We prayed for you. I'm glad labor went (fairly) smoothly. I guess there is no perfect labor & delivery, but this one seems to have been without too much trouble. I guess God heard our prayers :) You think?

Did Ransom hit her on purpose?