Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day at Sea World

Yesterday we took another trip down to San Diego and spent the day at Sea World. This is the last time we will get to go before the baby is born. It was good we went when we did, because at my dr appt today, I was told to limit any extra activities. Oh yeah, and something about laying on my left side as much as possible and taking tylenol four times a day. Anyway, here are a few photos from our day.

My cute little penguins.

Ransom on his first ride ever! He was scared at first, but was soon loving it.

Hero was able to ride on the Elmo angel all by herself.

Ransom turned a little green on this one.
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bethany said...

looks like a fun day!! I hope that the rest of the pregnancy goes well and rest...ha..with three others....:)

Anonymous said...

your mom rubbed it in that she was going to have the kiddoes ....I hate work