Saturday, February 02, 2008

Snow Day

Today we went with our Sunday school class up to Idyllwild to go sledding. All of the kids had a great time. A friend of ours let us borrow his "bike" sled which all three of our kids loved. Jericho became quite the pro at riding it even though he wouldn't even get on at first.

Jericho "cheezing" it up.

Hero rides the bike sled with Mrs Briget.

Hero shares a sled ride with Nathanael.

Ransom was just sitting on the sled playing, so I thought I'd snap a picture. The camera clicked as he was falling off!
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1 comment:

Sweeti said...

Hello from Oregon, At this point I'm dreaming of califonia. Funny how we always think the grass is green on the other side of the hill.
Cute Family! Yay for babies!